Contacting Players

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Messages : 2
Inscription : 05 avr. 2021 12:49

Contacting Players

Message par BaronFrog »


There needs to be a way that the website reminds players that it is their turn, or their fellow players need to be able to do so.

In ZigZag #52 we have been waiting ages for one player to make their choice of cards for Turn 2, but there seems to be no way to remind that player to make their move.

If that move is never made, is there a way for the other players to propose to abandon the game?

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Inscription : 10 févr. 2021 08:39

Re: Contacting Players

Message par Abileor »

Site Admin
Messages : 66
Inscription : 09 févr. 2021 19:11

Re: Contacting Players

Message par RoroTheShark »

Hello Baron!

If you're not online, the website send an e-mail to the player for remind to the player to play.
But I can't force the player to play :(

In the last evolutions, you will have an option to play to a "direct game", it means you will have 3 minutes to make your turn, or to play game without stopwatch.

And in futur, I will think to a system of message between player.

I hope I answer to your interrogations?

Messages : 2
Inscription : 05 avr. 2021 12:49

Re: Contacting Players

Message par BaronFrog »

Hi Roro

Thanks for the reply and the work you are doing on the site. Merci beaucoup!

Are email notifications working? I have mine set but didn't get an email to say it was my turn. Is the problem that I have capital letters in my email address?
